LWD thinks you'll be pleasantly surprised at her reasonable rate of €0.10 per word (neg.) 
If she thinks she CAN'T help you, she will tell you so.  €0.xx per word (or an hourly rate if preferred), will be agreed in advance, in writing.  Minimum charge = €50,00 (but could include several items - up to one hour's work) - and need not be invoiced 'per job'. 
LWD undertakes to preserve your confidentiality in every sense of the word.  Quality is hereby assured.  LWD delivers best quality work and guarantees to fix anything possible that fails to meet client's original specifications.  Deadlines are paramount and agreed payment terms are deemed equally important.
Your work is safe with LWD and she respects your copyright.

LWD can be contacted at any time during her contract with you and she will request a written recommendation from you on satisfactory completion of her work. LWD is satisfied that you will be pleased to do so.  See the 'clients/references' page! 


  • Need that thesis edited?  
  • Had to do it all in English and you're just not sure how well you've done?  
  • Does it need completely translated?
  • Need to hand it in soon? 

Let LWD help and get a special student discount on the whole job!*

Fill in the contact form with your enquiry and LWD will get back to you a.s.a.p. with an honest and reasonable estimate. She is pretty positive you will be pleased to accept terms.  LWD will also tell you when you can expect to have your work returned.

*(Please provide a copy of your college/university pass along with your document.)

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